Products Fireplace stoves Moven


Fireplace stoves


Main parameters:
expand roll
112 kg Weight
5 kW Rated output
150 mm Exhaust outlet diameter
79 % Heating efficiency
0,11 % CO emission at 13% O2
<550 °C Exhaust gas temperature °C
50 m2 Heating area (m2)
963x505x345 mm Dimensions (height, depth, width)
wood of deciduous trees Fuel type
steel Material
A Energy efficiency class
2 years Warranty
100 mm External air supply standard – air inlet diameter
Parameters ECODESIGN
expand roll
69 % Seasonal energy efficiency at 13% O2
113 Organic gaseous carbon (OGC) emission at 13% O2
36 Particle matter (PM) emission at 13% O2
46 Nitrogen oxide (NOx) emission at 13% O2
1310 Carbon Oxide (CO) emission at 13% O2
Additional characteristic:
expand roll
External air supply inlet (CDP) – External air supply
Using external air supply system (CDP) enables the insert independently from the indoor air inside the building. The CDP system can adjust the effectiveness of the insert and lower the hazardous gases emission into the environment. The insert with the CDP system can be used in buildings with mechanical ventilation. The air flows into the furnace via the air inlet placed at the back of the base of the insert. The air inlet can be installed under or at the back of the base.
Deflector - extends the way fumes travel inside the device, increases heat emissions and heat efficiency of the product.
Afterburning - reduces hazardous gases emission into the environment
Double side and back walls of the furnace - protect the body of the insert and increases its parameters..
prevents the logs from falling out of the insert
limits the sooth build up on the inside part of the glass
withholds the temperature up to 700 °C
Recuperation - Adapted for homes with recuperation systems


mechanical drawing ecodesign declaration energy efficiency class

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